2017년 4월 12일 수요일

K-Food, The efficacy (effect) of Korean herbal tea (oriental herbal medicine) - Tangerine peel Tea

[ K-Food Info]  
The efficacy (effect) of Korean herbal tea -  Tangerine peel Tea 

Good For Diet, Circulation, Cold

Physiologically active ingredient of Tangerine peel (oriental herbal medicine)

Essential oil : D-limonene, linalool, linalyacetate.
Flavonoids : Hesperidin, naringenin, poncirin, nobiletin.
Alkaloid : Synephrine.
Citiric acid.

Physiological activity and efficacy (oriental herbal medicine)

① Promoting the secretion of exocrine glands by olfactory reflection.
② Lipase activity promoting action.
③ Anti-allergic action.
④ Uterine muscle contraction inhibitory effect: action by serotonin (synephrine).
⑤ sedation: Limonene action.
⑥ Antiviral action.
⑦ Antileaking activity: Flavonoid.

[Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia] Health function effect of orange peper (Tea Culture Life Fair, July 10, 2012, Hong Ik Jae)

Classical document & Donguibogam (Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine) Say (oriental herbal medicine)

① Enhance cardiovascular contractility and increase blood circulation, but do not affect heart rate. It also removes inflammation and ulcers, and removes the follicles.

② Citrus peel is to control the clogged area and the large intestine, and when it is put into the dish, it removes the poison and fishy smell of the meat.

③ Drinking on an empty stomach with thick citrus fruits for fish poisoning.

④ When the stomach is weak, the taste is not good and the digestion is not good. When the stomach is blowing, sore, vomiting or diarrhea, there is dampness, chest tightness, coughing, breathing, dizziness, There is effect "accord pharmacy".

⑤ colds, body aches, headache, coughs and symptoms of ginger and ginger for a month after drinking the sweat is better. Citrus fruits reduce the fever, benefit disposal, heal the weeds and control the stamina of the heart. Suddenly, when the throat can not make a sound, it suffers the symptoms that the rain can not digest. There is also the effect of the open stomach "sense of agreement".

⑥ Directional structure, indigestion, Jinhae, has a medicinal effect such as genomes "Korean medicinal plant inscriptions".

⑦ In the heart, the symptoms are fever (寒症), symptoms symptoms of fever (fever) symptoms and reverse (气气) to treat, digest food and reduce the period. It also stops coughing and coughing, eliminating the heat and handwashing in the bladder, treating the ointment (5 痳), urinating well, and treating nausea (虚 症). It also treats symptoms of not eating food, symptoms of ticking with chest, spreading of tobacco, kwakran, and diarrhea, and eliminates 白 白 虫. When taking a long time, the bad smell disappears and the spirit is cleared, the body becomes clear, and longevity is lifted.

⑧ Citrus peel is a bitter taste stomach (苦味 健 胃劑), which has a directional flavor, and it has the effect of helping digestion by opening the stomach.

⑨ The dermis has the effect of making him smooth. To harmonize the spleen, use a white mandarin oranges, and use only a mandarin orange to remove the sputum. In addition, cheongpyi makes the liver (气 滯) loose and heals it by making the passage of time well, and makes it flat, ansin, digestion.

[Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia] Health function effect of orange peper (Tea Culture Life Fair, July 10, 2012, Hong Ik Jae)

Folk remedies (oriental herbal medicine)

① It is used for edible, ornamental and medicinal purposes. In the oriental medicine and private medicine, it is used for strengthening capillary vessels such as fruits, leaves and bark, strengthening ginseng, .

② Tangerine peel 5 ~ 10g into a covered tea bowl, mix the appropriate amount of sugar, then pour hot water here and drink about 10 minutes later. Drinking in this way, as well as flu, pandemic flu and other diseases, swelling, fish poisoning, malaria is also effective.

③ If you burn the seeds of mandarin oranges with this powder as a powder and drink it with hot water, it will be effective for coughing, and it is also effective for cold scarring.

④ If you eat a whole orange charcoal and make it with powder, it will heal well.

⑤ put a little ginger in the skin of the mandarin dalyeoseo drink and cough is effective. I mix it with sugar or tea and drink it more and listen well.

⑥ When the milk does not come out well, make 37g each of duck dumplings and rice dumplings, and 8g of licorice powder, make a baguette (boiled water) and drink it a week later.

⑦ Gymnospermum ginseng seeds mixed with the heart is effective when you drink.

[Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia] Health function effect of orange peper (Tea Culture Life Fair, July 10, 2012, Hong Ik Jae)

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